Dale Biron On Poetry – Create Your Own Poetry First Aid Kit

Trickster Poet Speaks Out (Disruptively)

Dale Biron

Maybe a better strategic plan is not what we need right now. Maybe we need to get lost on purpose, to break away from the ironclad certainty of "doom" on one end and the "business as usual" denial on the other. 

Einstein said we couldn't solve problems at the same level of thinking that created them. And because we know it's true but won't admit it, our modern political, social, and ecological predicaments are growing. They've skidded beyond our grasp and beyond our traditional corrective powers. 

Perhaps it's time for a strange new and undefinable alliance between the head and the heart. Time to take on The Tricksters mannerisms and temperament. Time to embrace The Trickster's creatively non-strategic, disruptive tools and techniques. In this episode, we'll consider these ideas, looking at a special kind of trickster... The Trickster-Poet.